

Name SpectraVision
Ticker SPV
Alliance -
Faction -
Members 3
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 674644671

Members [3]


SpectraVision is a former null sec PvP corporation based down in Catch region. We fought along side and in Viper Wing. Then the big Alliance war began to escalate from the south with no mercy. Whiping out everything in its path. My former alliance that had SOV control and a spot on the map was wiped out and our Allies, Including my corporation. When the galaxy regained its balance, I started to search for other ways to prosper.
We moved and settled in high sec. with almost no assets nor pilots willing to arise from their sour knees scarred from defeat, refusing to listen their own powerful strengh of heart, thus was no more.
But a few of us listened and seeked out all possible ways to not only survive, but to build a spark strong enough to once again give birth to our great fire of the old.
Unfortunaltly after some years I hurt my neck badly, resulting in a tourmenting nervdamage and got hospitalised for 8 months. No EVE for me that time for sure. Finally I came home and reactivated my accounts to see that not a single pilot had been active for weeks or more.
I decided to go on alone dispite everything. So I started to run agent missions to get the standing up and earn som ISK. Fortunatly a couple of my old hardcore pilot friends. The type that the harder you hit them the stonger they become. They helped me with a Hulk (lent me) and supported me with his Orca and 4 other Hulks to get me enough funds to buy and fit some ships for mission running.
Now all I need is pilots to get up too speed.
Thank you very much for your support on my return to EVE with only 10mill ISK in wallet and all my corp assets where impounded for a total fee of 150mill or more.
My heroes:
Igek Lightwalker

Looking for dedicated pilots that like Teamwork (if you dont, move on) that can speak and behave maturely. Intellect and positive reasoning. Is what I value above everything else in a pilot. More than ISK, SkillPoints or how many Titans or POS'es you have. If you cant communicate you cant do shit no matter how much you own or SP you have. One cant sail a boat without the wind. Simple as that. I look for what I value most So that pilot material is what I seek. Corp can manufacture, do research, mining, 98.7% NET yeld ore refining and standings to use over 18 Lvl 4 agents (security). Corp train basic PvP fighting in highsec. For advanced PvP training the Alliance do 0.0 sec, ops nearly every day.


5 mill SP min (rare exeptions) 10 mill SP prefered or more.
Team Speak 3 (Free on the webb)
No Trial Accounts
Limited api and account id
No can flipping or Ninja salvage allowed

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-27 07:28:50
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