

Spiral Architect Industries
Name Spiral Architect Industries
Ticker SAI1
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Chib Babba Lips
Members 3
Tax Rate 6.7%
corporationID 98208814

Members [3]


Spiral Architect Industries is a professional group made up of pilots from all career paths. We are currently making the mistake of recruiting.

Regular group activities are Missioning, Mining. Production, Invention. PvP and Exploration are done more casually. We make money and (try to) shoot the other guy.

- Orca supported mining and ore buy back
- ICE Buyback
- Mission Support
- R&D support
- Low sec shenanigans
- Tutoring on the game (and life if u need) from experienced players
- Ship replacement program
- Management across time zones
- Jump Clones
- Weekly corp actitvities

- 7-20% tax (to fund the above)
- Sorry, no Trial Accounts
- Activity (RL permitting)
- Experience and SP's are less important than a willingness to do and learn
- Sociable, sense of Nhumor. (no one easily offended please)
- Limited Api Required

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 11:28:02
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