

Starline Enterprises
Watch This
Name Starline Enterprises
Ticker SE-01
Alliance Watch This
Faction -
Ceo ThePuce Moose
Members 13
Tax Rate 7.5%
corporationID 98688527

Members [13]


What Does Starline Do?

We are a PvP focussed corp, residing in LowSec. We operate in smallgang to midsize fleets. Starline endeavours to improve our piloting skills as much as possible (yes, we are tryhards) whilst still having fun.

Joining Starline

Advert: Starline Enterprises - Drawing a Line in the Stars.
Recruitment is OPEN.
Please submit an application.

If you would like to get a feel for our members, feel free to join our public text channel Chill Chatz.
Members will recieve a link to our Discord in their welcome email, while friends and allies are invite only.

A universe of opportunity awaits!

- ThePuce Moose, CEO
- Berrik Tannal, Director
- hotnready, Director
- Tovaren, Founder

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 11:42:39
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