Starr is a multi-faceted corp in which: We manufacture, mine & research ! If you want to be a part of it all Message me. If you want to be a-part from it all, "Yarr" me.
Present Goals of the Corporation:
1) Increase Active Member count.
2) Development of Combat, Mission Running, Ship And Module Production, and Research abilities.
3) Development of internal infrastructure to support members.
4) Increase Module Production and salvaging operations
5) Get POS set up in low sec space for BP research!
Primary Operations: Mining, Mission Running, Ratting, PvE
Some of our Rules and Regulations:
Each and every member is expected to adhere to a few rules;
1. If you decide to pirate, and you get under the skin of a larger corporation You are on your own! We simply don't have the gunpower to protect you at the current time.
2. There will be no griefing of fellow corp members, keep your negativity out of here.
3. Recruit if you can! We want your friends to enjoy the benefits of being in an omni corporation as well!
4. Have Fun!!! Have Fun!!!! Have Fun!!!
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 04:19:55