

Static Shock Industries
Name Static Shock Industries
Ticker SHCKR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Anmaris Voeld
Members 7
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1407715880

Members [7]


u"Founded by Gallentean industrialist Zena, Static Shock Industries is a laid-back company for independence-minded capsuleers of all the races, creeds, ethnicities, and empires. We strive to promote the positive development of New Eden\u2019s diverse cultures, while staying focussed on the prosperity of our members and shareholders. As people of commerce, we take a stand against the triple shadow of tribalism, inhumanity, and speciation that blackens New Eden. We encourage dialogue about the often harsh realities of our world. We aim, individually but supportively, to convert the ideas that come out of these exchanges into agendas for change and opportunities for profit. We are a light of hope flashing through the dark skies of New Eden.

Enquiries for membership and commerce are welcome. Please contact Anmaris Voeld, or stop by our recruiting channel: The Tesla Coil. Our offices are at the Republic Security Services base at Bawilan V. Capsuleers of all vocational persuasions are embraced, and membership includes access to the corporation's substantial manufacturing and R&D assets and POS.

Static Shock adheres to Alliance rules of engagement. Piracy is prohibited.
OOC: We encourage flexible and individualistic styles of play and we understand that EVEers have real lives. The team exists to complement and support players and not the other way around. RPers, Missioners/PVEers, Explorers, Miners, Researchers, Traders, Industrialists, Poets, and Dilettantes are welcome, as are PVPers prepared to protect the corporation's members and assets and to further Alliance foreign policy."

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 20:39:06
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