

Intergalactic Space Hobos
Name StoneDogS
Ticker STDOG
Alliance Intergalactic Space Hobos
Faction -
Ceo Yvain Dragonheart
Members 81
Tax Rate 7%
corporationID 259721745

Members [81]


StoneDogS is open for recruitment. We are a fairly old corp, comprised of a good fun group of players. We dedicate ourselves to making profit, helping each other, mining, industry, PVE as well as a fair bit of PVP.

Min. character age of six months, 5M skillpoints (or invited)

Contact: [Yvain Dragonheart] or [Philly Penken] for applications or if you have business with us. Alternatively join channel StoneDogS if you would like to meet us.

Diplomat in chief : Yvain Dragonheart

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 03:38:59
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