

Strategic Industries INC.
Name Strategic Industries INC.
Ticker ELSII
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Dannnyboy
Members 4
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 1999901945

Members [4]


C.E.O. Dannnyboy


Welcome, This corporation is focused on creating an atmosphere that makes all members feel as if they are an intergral part of our operation. We founded Strategic Industries and based its mission directives quite simply on enjoying ourselves while creating wealth and opportunties for all our members.

We have embraced the basic premise that we share equally in all our joint PVP, and Wormhole Operations. Equal shares to all with no preference given to anyone regardless of their position in our corporation. Thus, we are looking for members who are interested in PVP, Exploration, and Wormhole Operations, who are intrigued and stimulated by the prosect of being a highly trained pilot in search of wealth and adventure in our multifacedted operation. For those who choose to join our corp and lack expience we will be there to assist you, if you so desire, in the selection of a training regime that best fiits your preferred career track.

Conversely, for those among you that are skilled in these operational schemes we welcome your experience and ask that you join us in concert with all others in creating a corporation built on having fun and fostering an atmosphere where wealth is created for all. This is not to say that all members can only participate in joint operations, far from it, we encourage you to go on your own as well and discover all that awaits you.

Also secretly a Wormhole corp that does lots of PVP

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 05:16:28
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