

Strategic Naval Research Institute
Name Strategic Naval Research Institute
Ticker SNRI
Faction -
Ceo Kei Akatsuki
Members 22
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1880502950

Members [22]


The history as the enterprise goes back in the old century. The enterprise (A corporate name at that time is uncertain) that is involved in the Side-1 construction as the member with the space island construction cartel is a base.

Afterwards, a Earth Federal Force was established, and a Earth Federal government bought the majority of the company's own stock as the consultation organization at that time.
And, it becomes corporate of the semi-governmental as a public corporation and it renames it to the strategy laboratory.
It advises the Earth Federal government of military expense, the strategy, and arms etc. And Earth Federal government's (It is not the Earth Federal Force) trust is obtained.

It has developed in the strategy arms research field of a Earth Federal Force. On the other hand, the munitions technology and the equipment were sold to the private organization.
The relation with the colony public corporation is strong from the relation between an antecedent corporate age.
To keep the neutrality of a similar public corporation though it was an internal tissue of a Earth Federal Force, it had not taken part in the development of the strategy mobile arms at all.

After "The second neo Zeon war", the organization was reorganized, and renamed to naval forces strategy laboratory (Strategic Naval Research Institute) and alias [sanarii;] (S.N.R.I.) by 0093 Universal Century.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-17 19:55:22
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