

Strategic Operations Initiative
Name Strategic Operations Initiative
Ticker STOIT
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Sexx Luthor
Members 1
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98305989

Members [1]


Cooperative generation of Isk, Assets, And the protection thereof, we are a highsec corp with interest in wormhole and lowsec space, Currently based in the Amarr regions.

Apply today! Now recruiting Miners, Industrialists, and Pvp/Pve pilots, new players and old, We'll help you train into your chosen skillset and help you with your questions!

Strategic Operations Initiative - Equal Opportunity For All!

Dr Zalost

Or join our recruitment channel and our discord!

STOIT Recruitment Channel :D

We have access to highsec moons for mining, a venture replacement program if you happen to lose yours, occasional wormhole exploration for the rarer ores and sleeper components, free refining and industry facilities available in our home system, Freighter trade routes to Jita on a weekly basis, and plans to grow to neighboring systems and potentially an eventual presence in Lowsec if everything works out!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-18 01:10:22
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