

Subspace Exploration
Name Subspace Exploration
Ticker S-E-C
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Torin Urta
Members 2
Tax Rate 7.5%
corporationID 272649239

Members [2]


Subspace Exploration focuses on fleet mining, missions, pvp and wormhole ops. Our strength is in our teamwork and fun within social corp community.

We fly with a high level of moral integrity and don't tolerate greifers, scammers, can flippers or suicide gankers.

We are a high sec corp that currently operates in Caldari space, however we accept all races. In the future we will be moving to null sec, however we will be maintaining a high sec base for training and industry.

The corporation has a 7,5% tax rate on mission rewards and fleet op income. With this ISK Subspace Exploration invests in several long term projects and offers several programs and services to benefit our pilots.

These benefits of membership include free fleet op ship insurance, top rate ore purchasing, pvp training, fleet boosting and security, a fun social team atmosphere and access to regular fleet ops.

Subspace Exploration members are expected not to scam or grief other people, play approximately once a week, and participate in the corp community by joining in fleet ops whenever possible. That's it, no mandatory meetings or ops, just have fun.

We currently operate in Funtanainen IV, Sukuuvestaa Corporation Production Plant.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 08:58:14
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