Name |
Sulima Iudex |
Ticker |
Alliance |
- |
Faction |
- |
Ceo |
Takeshi Terranova |
Members |
7 |
- |
Tax Rate |
4% |
corporationID |
98550073 |
Members [7]
EloBenc \u2013 Na moim sihillu \u2013 warkn\u0105\u0142 Zoltan, obna\u017caj\u0105c miecz \u2013 wyryte jest starodawnymi krasnoludzkimi runami prastare krasnoludzkie zakl\u0119cie. Niech no jeno kt\xf3ry ghul zbli\u017cy si\u0119 na d\u0142ugo\u015b\u0107 klingi, popami\u0119ta mnie. O, popatrzcie.
\u2013 Ha \u2013 zaciekawi\u0142 si\u0119 Jaskier, kt\xf3ry w\u0142a\u015bnie zbli\u017cy\u0142 si\u0119 do nich. \u2013 Wi\u0119c to s\u0105 te s\u0142ynne tajne runy krasnolud\xf3w? Co g\u0142osi ten napis?
\u2013 "Na pohybel skurwysynom!"
On my Sihil,\u2019 Zoltan growled, barring his sword, \u2018are etched dwarven runes to an ancient dwarven spell. Any ghoul that gets within the reach of my sword will remember me. You\u2019ll see.\u2019
\u2018Ha.\u2019 Dandelion exclaimed who during their conversation had approached them. \u2018So there are the famous secret dwarven runes. What is on the sword?\u2019
\u2018\u201dGo fuck the motherfuckers.\u201d\u2019'
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 23:09:22