

SunCo. Trade and Manufacture
Name SunCo. Trade and Manufacture
Ticker SUNTM
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Ceras Calpernia
Members 8
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98146664

Members [8]


u'SunCo. Trade and Manufacture is here to produce all the items any successful pilot requires. From the smallest piece of ammunition to the largest ships in your fleet, no job is too big or small! Committed to quality products and services, we strive to meet any and all tasks set.

Join us! We are always looking for new members, inexperienced and veteran alike.

When you invest in SunCo, you\'re not only joining the most powerful company money can buy, you\'re also joining the biggest family of satisfied employees the universe over. Whether you\'re eating one of our renowned, exploding lemon cakes or cruising around in one of our timeless ships, you can be sure each and every second of that enjoyment contains both the reliability and strength that only SunCo can offer.

A wise man once said, \u201cspeak softly and carry a big stick." We are the ones that supply those sticks.

SunCo & all SunCo subsidiaries are not responsible for the loss or destruction of any and all life, property, and/or mental faculties that may arise from the use or misuse of the goods and services we provide.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 05:51:08
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