

Superfriends Prestige Worldwide
Name Superfriends Prestige Worldwide
Ticker V8DR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Surayya Etalmaris
Members 4
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98152367

Members [4]


The Molester Wars of 4369 left people scarred and scattered amongst the stars. An ancient fever plagued a remote group of colonists and quickly spread amongst the settlements. The ancient, new threat came to be known as the "Beibers". They neutron-raped and plasma-banged millions to death like a cyborg would. A lone hero, Rick "Danger" Banger, set out on his own to find a cure for the fever and it is told that in the Temple of Aleuron he found that cure. The legendary hero discovered that by killing the infected individuals, they would then be freed from their infection. Before he was able to make it back to the colonies with this vital information his ship was damaged by space debris and was forced to land on a nearby asteroid. His logs were found by us after we accidentally killed Rick "Danger" Banger thinking he was a bad guy in a huge misunderstanding while trying to salvage his ship (we now have a checklist to follow). Unfortunately, the hero failed to provide a location of his home planet and so our search begins...

The Superfriends Prestige Worldwide is a typical ragtag team of loosely organized individuals working together for a common goal: to see if there is any kind of reward for Rick "Danger" Banger's remains and/or that vital information that we found... if it's not too late. Who knows what adventures we'll find along the way? Might be cooler than Firefly or even more complex than Battlestar. Might be as cool as sitting in dock looking at the market for two hours. Who knows for sure, do you? Now let's fighting!!!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 18:40:14
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