

Name TOP.10
Ticker TP.1
Alliance X877.
Faction -
Ceo Eta Kicloak
Members 7
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98359840

Members [7]


Ride with the devil, hide with the Lord
I got no pistol, ain't got no sword
I got no army, ain't got no land
Ain't got nothing but the stone that's in my hand

Stone in my hand, stone in my hand
Ain't got nothing but the stone that's in my hand

You say you want a revolution, well, get on board
We'll start a new crusade, we'll start a Holy war
Don't need no orders, don't need no plan
I don't need nothing but the stone that's in my hand

Stone in my hand, stone in my hand
I don't need nothing but the stone that's in my hand
Stone in my hand, stone in my hand
I don't need nothing but the stone that's in my hand

You build your fighter jets, you drop your bombs
You kill our fathers, you kill our moms
Kill our brothers and our sisters, and our uncles and our aunts
Still I'm fighting with the stone that's in my hand

Stone in my hand, stone in my hand
Still I'm fighting with the stone that's in my hand
Stone in my hand, stone in my hand
All the love that's in my heart and the stone that's in my hand

Blood runs the gutters, smoke fills the sky
Every son that suffers, every mother cries
So if you've had enough and you're ready for your stand
I'll be waiting with the stone that's in my hand

Stone in my hand, stone in my hand
I'll be waiting with the stone that's in my hand
Stone in my hand, stone in my hand
All the love that's in my heart and the stone that's in my hand

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-11-28 20:31:47
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