

Ticker TURKF
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo altankor
Members 16
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 1232056821

Members [16]


u'T\xfcrk Fleet eski ve yeni oyuncularin kaynasmasi ile hayata gecmistir. Tamami t\xfcrk oyunculardan olusmak ile beraber d\xfcnyanin degisik \xfclkelerinde yasamaktayiz.

T\xfcrk Fleet oyun tarzi bakimindan, PVP bazli maksimum eglenceyi aramaktadir, Bunun bir oyun oldugunun farkinda olan ve eglenmeyi se\xe7en arkadaslari aramiza g\xfcn ge\xe7tik\xe7e katmaya devam ediyoruz.

Her \xfcyemizin fikirleri degerlidir. Konusarak anlasmaya calisan, dinlemeyi ve eglenmesini bilen, oyunun dinamiklerine hakim olan, buyuklerine saygiyi, kucuklerine sevgisini esirgemeyen arkadaslara her daim kapimiz a\xe7iktir.

Turkfleet want to expand our player base and gather a solid core of pilots to help bolster our rightful place in Eve. Turkfleet is looking for people who will "fit in" to our corporation and form new friendships. We have a fairly relaxed and mature player base. We expect members to show respect to their fellow corporation and allied pilots, and have a general good attitude towards the eve community as a whole. Turkfleet is a corp that aims to provide its members with a fun environment to play in, experienced members to help with anything and ultimately a place to get lots of sweet killmails.

Clandestine Service/ Director for Military Affairs Esotera
Diplomat '

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 07:00:57
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