

Taggart Transdimensional
Virtue of Selfishness
Name Taggart Transdimensional
Ticker TTI
Alliance Virtue of Selfishness
Faction -
Ceo Dan Conia
Members 69
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 144589288

Members [69]


Goal: build a free society of Capitalism and Reason
Open since beta, August 2002

Contacts: Dan Conia

Diplomat ; Shoftiel

We are Recruiting like-minded individuals

Our recruitment process starts with a visit to our public channe Taggartl.

The application process is handled through an in-game mailing list, named TTI Recruitment. For more information on our application, join the Taggart channel and speak with our HR staff.

We are NRDSF (not red dont shoot...first)

Public Channel: Taggart

We offer:
- Rational and mature community
- Philosophy of capitalism and meritocracy
- Scheduled activities
- Recieve full value for your contributions.

Men sleep tonight with hands of bone
They will awake with hands of Arkonor
And with these hands retriviers we will build
And with these hands Sentients we will destroy

And we will warp above Little Shoft of Horrors
Rising high above all ore
From tips of space we will look
At all that lies beyond our ships

And we will raise our hands above us
Crimson arms shining in the sun
And with these hands that will not bleed
Society of reason will be won!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 19:24:25
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