

Tegeta Daer
Name Tegeta Daer
Ticker TGD
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Notra Deya
Members 1
Tax Rate 100%
corporationID 940202294

Members [1]


Tageta Daer Corporation is a mining/industry corp.

Although we strictly do mining/industry we are a part of a larger alliance with corporations that do many of the other professions in eve.

Tageta Daer corp is looking for and offers:

*New and veteran miners or industry players
*Currently working on a corp wide ship replacement program
*Low tax rate of only 2%
*Approximately 24/7 full orca mining boost. (unless specific cricumstances)
*Orca support during mining ops for ore hauling.
*Will soon offer an ore buyback program.
*Has corp blueprints and POS access for Material and Production Efficiency research
*Perfect refining for ore (5% tax on ores mined by corporation)

If this sounds like a corp that you may be interested in. Please join the "Tageta Recruitment" channel!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 19:38:52
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