

Telegraph Road
Name Telegraph Road
Ticker TGRO
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Samuel Kashuken
Members 2
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98083219

Members [2]


Academy mercinary, arms dealer, and logistics department.

Our services are limited and unique. Mercinary servies are more about protection; if you want muscle, indimidation, decleration of war, evictions from wormholes and stuff like that, then we're not going accomidate you. We do love a good fight though, and we'd be happy to stand next to you with our spear.

Logistics services are geared towards making wormhole corporations operations easyer. We'll buy your loot at a cyno friendly station so you don't have to haul it all the way to Jita.

Arms dealer services are in hitaus mode. When those services are available, we provide asset purchaes and delivery. Groups who fight for soverignity who use our services cause the best win - win business for our clients.

Recruitment isn't closed. If you end up flying w/one of our pilots and want to join, understand a few things:

1. You see many descriptions of corporations telling you what you'll get from them; their generosity is appreciated in the EvE community. If you approach anyone here in the Academy asking what you'll get from us, then you're answer will be nothing. We're generous too, but we're not selling ourselves on generosity.

- there's litterally hundreds of research out there that show that taking behavior causes shorter life spans of the individual and the group, and it's in our best interest to live for as long as possible.

If you're still interested, then this bio has become TL;DR, and you should just talk to us.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 14:45:09
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