

Rote Works
Name Templexit
Ticker TMPXT
Alliance Rote Works
Faction -
Ceo ISendNudes 4ISK
Members 15
Tax Rate 100%
corporationID 98681041

Members [15]


The Backbone of the Rote war machine, we are an Indy Corp accepting only the most dedicated builders in all new eden.

To join Templexit, Send 5b isk to ISendNudes 4Isk Titled "application deposit". This will be returned to you regardless if youre accepted or not, and is only used as a credit check so we know youre serious. Afterward apply in-game and wait 2-4 days for us to review it.

Diplo: Eve Alt 1911

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-18 22:34:51
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