

Terminus Malum
Name Terminus Malum
Ticker TEM.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Trady Latan
Members 3
Tax Rate 1%
corporationID 98137893

Members [3]


Teminus Malum is training corp for new pilots, and longtime carebears looking to test the PvP waters

We are recruiting both pve and pvp pilots. We do expect pve pilots to participate occasionally in PvP roams to learn the basics, and learn how to have fun.
We cover all types of pvp and run regular pve ops
We are members of both an alliance and coalition that are online all the time so plenty of people to fly with.

What we offer

# TS3 for coms Joint with SONE main
# Mining boosts
# Ship replacment program for training ops and to get new pilots started
# Free books
# Alliance killboards
# Laid atmosphere, no mandatory participation

What we are looking for

- Willing to learn from our veteran experienced members

We understand this is a game, and real life comes first.

For EU Gerd-Liv Valla or Kanou M
US Firefly Green

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-03 21:24:43
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