

Terra Nanotech
The Initiative.
Name Terra Nanotech
Ticker TN-NT
Alliance The Initiative.
Faction -
Ceo Rounon Dax
Members 50
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98000030

Members [50]


u'Our small but mature and laid-back group is looking for new pilots who understand that EVE is a game, not a job. For us, real life always comes first.

We are mostly EU TZ focused, but are not opposed to US TZ pilots.

- RL first
- Mature and laid-back group of pilots
- Regular PvP fleets with the alliance
- Livin in null-sec with good ratting and mining opportunities
- Mainly EU TZ, but our single US TZ pilot would enjoy some company as well

You should:
- Be at least 18 years old
- Be at least 1 year in the game
- Have 6 months of recent activity

Ingame contacts:
- Kelan Zakuras (EN / GER)
- Rounon Dax (EN / GER)
- VampireDeluxeVWB (EN / GER)

Feel free to hop in our public channel to have a chat with us \xbb TN-NT Public or join our Discord.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-06 19:49:13
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