

Territorial Army Of The Commonwealth
Name Territorial Army Of The Commonwealth
Ticker TAVR.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Deadly Phoenix2
Members 4
Tax Rate 3.5%
corporationID 98646542

Members [4]


Morrolan's Retirement fund.

Diplo and pub: Load void

We are here to drink your beer
And steal your rum at a point of a gun
Your alcohol to us will fall
'Cause we are here to drink your beer
We are here to drink your beer
And steal your rum at a point of a gun
Your alcohol to us will fall
'Cause we are here to drink your beer

Corp Rebranding in process
We are an eviction specialized crew with the intention of keeping as many nullseccers away from wormholes as possible, meaning, not ex nullseccers, or people with nullsec friends, but anyone flying under nullblock alliance colours.

This is our main objective in eve.
if you would like to participate, join our public channel.

also, fuck yo farmhole bruh!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-28 21:11:01
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