

Tesla Tech Industries
Name Tesla Tech Industries
Ticker TENDS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Kage5243
Members 1
Tax Rate 7.5%
corporationID 1301093740

Members [1]


Mission Satement - Tesla Tech Industries - was created to explore and undergo all aspects EVE has to offer, we do Pvp , Pve , Mining of all kinds including - Gas , Ice , and Asteroids. The exploring and probing of WH's and Trade. TeamWork and a good mature nature is a Pre-requisite.
We are a UK/US based Corporation looking for all types of players, however piracy is strictly forbidden.

Corporation Divisions are divided as follows :-

Division 1 - Master
Division 2 - Ship Replacement
Division 3 - Mining Operations with Orca support
Division 4 - Salvage Materials from Missions
Division 5 - WH Operations
Division 6 - Production/Manufacturing
Division 7 - Intelligence

Requirements to join :-
1. Willing to take part in both Corp ops when needed
2. No smack talk in Local channels
3. Mature behaviour towards other EVE Capsuleers
4. A friendly and supportive attitude
5. API background check and scanning when asked
6. Sense of humor

For any info on being recruited, contact Kain Grackus- CEO of Tesla Tech Industries. or simply join our Public channel - Crazy Diamonds

Mining Division :-
Provides the Corp with the Ore and Minerals needed for the Production Division. Mining operations are run daily and a open for any one to join to help out. Any Salvaged materials, ammo , or equipment from the Asteroid belt rats will also be collected and transferred to the Production Division for Reprocessing.

Production Division :-
Produces a large number of items used in daily operations, such as - Ships , Ammo , Drones , and other mods/items, All the items made within the corp will be sold at discounted prices to the members, the rest will be sold on the market for a profit

Not to forget, if there is anything else we can help you with, we will too! Our corporation is filled with helpful and friendly players, some are also new and still trying to find there footing in the understanding of EVE mechanics, so lets unite and strenghten the bond and make our mark in this Universe!
Corp Director/Diplomat - Barrimus

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 04:49:49
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API J:21 Mar 11:13 K:21 Mar 11:36 C:21 Mar 11:49 A:21 Mar 11:46 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:21 Mar 11:27 S:21 Mar 11:47 W:21 Mar 11:15