

The Anthropocene Extinction
The Initiative.
Name The Anthropocene Extinction
Ticker APEX7
Alliance The Initiative.
Faction -
Ceo Ardek Seregor
Members 2
Tax Rate 1%
corporationID 98542397

Members [2]


u'In the beginning of this, the anthropocene era;
Life was pristine, resonating.
*impact* \u2026the instigator\u2019s arrival.
Densely populating, smashing biodiversity.
Altered climate accelerating, exacerbated by our human activities.
We used it up, we wore it out, we made it do what we could have done without.
Machines to make machines; fabricating the end of all living things.
Sacrificing all morality, the ends never justify the means.
Technology defines the ages - our human history burns its own pages.
Under the sun, and in the light of day, we throw this all away.
Instinctual devotion to annihilation,
Eradication, mass predation - manufactured extinction;
the powers that be are you and me.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 09:03:49
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