

The BadWolf Syndicate
Name The BadWolf Syndicate
Ticker RPMG
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Ace In Space
Members 1
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98364292

Members [1]


Welcome to Eve Online, one of the most challenging games ever to be made. the curve can be difficult to ride, and can be unforgiving to new players. At times it can feel as if No one has your back. We are here to change that.

The Badwolf Syndicate is a group of experienced players that are here to help you discover what you want to do in Eve and help you to gain the necessary skills to be able to fulfill that goal. Whether it be in mining, manufacturing, Low Sec/ Null/ Wormhole exploration, mission running, or PvP or all of the above.

Although we are just starting out, our goal is to begin our operations in High security space, performing missions in Caldari space to begin building standing and a stable revenue. We will begin to run small pvp roams, corporation funded, to help train Fleet roles and potential fleet commanders. Once we feel we are ready we will begin to move groups of people into wormhole space for short stints, to make considerable profits and conduct larger scale PvP operations thru the wormholes into Null and Low security space.

We have only 4 requirements for joining:
-Be self reliant: this does NOT mean not to ask for help, it simply means that you are expected to ask for the help your self and not to beg for cash or take loans that you cannot repay.

-Be willing to learn: We expect you will probably will feel slightly intimidated by EVE, and this is good as it prevents dangerous mistakes early game. But understand that any advice we give is for your benefit, and to succeed as a team we must be able to accept the positive criticism of the group.

-Be willing to participate: A corp is a team, neither a dictatorship or a communist community. Although we want you to chase your dream, join in on corp ops, you might find that you actually like what the rest of are doing.

-Don't be a Jerk: Regardless of friend or foe, its just a game. You died. Get over it.

We are also actively looking for older players with a bit of experience that perhaps just want to try something new.

Message one of our corp directors for an invite.
Ace McCrae
Lazarus Friday

Thanks and see you around,
-Ace McCrae

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-07 08:27:32
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