

The Bene Gesserit
Name The Bene Gesserit
Ticker B..G
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Bashar Agrippa
Members 3
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98077008

Members [3]


u'The Bene Gesserit corporation is a progressive online organization for working friendly adults. Our members are expected to be mature, reasonable, enthusiastic and helpful. Our mission is to provide an environment that facilitates active participation, team work, and goal achievement.

We operate under five core principles that help us deliver a positive gaming experience for the mature player.
\uf0fc Maturity
\uf0fc Working Adults
\uf0fc Camaraderie
\uf0fc Tolerance
\uf0fc Leadership

Our in game focus is to provide a well-rounded experience in both empire and 0.0 space to new and experienced members. We pursue activities in all forms of PvE and some of PvP while being imbued with the Frank Herbert\u2019s Dune universe. We are not role players as such; we just like having a relaxed atmosphere among a great bunch of people with a cool name!

The following is a more detailed explanation of our corporation and culture.

EVE History
The Bene Gesserit leadership began playing EVE in 2006 and founded this corporation in 2011 to get back to some simple core principles in gaming. The goal has been and always will be to build a gaming clan that would cater to working adults and that is led by working adults. Our focus on mature adult players is codified in the five principles of The Bene Gesserit.

EVE Mission
The Bene Gesserit is focused on two groups of players:
- The new player looking for an organization that can assist them as they learn and develop who wants to train into a 0.0 organization.
- The older player looking for a good organization with a commitment to working adults, who does not necessarily desire 0.0 play but who does enjoy both PvE and PvP aspects of the game.

The Bene Gesserit is focused on training players, in combat, by helping them learn to make money using PvE elements: mission running, belt ratting, exploration, complexes, low-sec and worm-hole space. We even help our members understand trading, R&D and how to make isk in other ways. We do this in order to facilitate asymmetrical PvP operations.

Our organization, through our Alliance, enjoys the occasional opportunity to PvP in low sec, wormholes or in 0.0 roams. We normally use inexpensive fast ships to take on targets. Live action PvP training is a given and will prepare those pilots who want to move on to 0.0 for the action, while providing some fun and excitement to our empire residents.

Requirements: 21 days in-game minimum, around 2 mil skill points, the ability to fly a ship (Frigate to Titan\u2026) with as many and varied skills as possible.
Don\'t hesitate to contact us even if you ar NEW to this game, we could arrange something. If our organization sounds like a good fit for you, contact us in game in the recruitement channel "TheBeneGesserit" or in our public channel "BeneGesserit"'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 09:45:09
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