

The Caldari Independent Navy Reserves
Name The Caldari Independent Navy Reserves
Ticker CINR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo ViceAdmiralHarper
Members 3
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98136007

Members [3]


Serious Roleplaying in WH space.

Invitation only.

Standard CINR doctorine: Kill: Vin Virgo (Atron)

Here Lies the remains of a truly awesome corp, and band of friends.
It caused chaos in the game for 1 year and 4 months.
We made many of our enemy's butt hurt, so butt hurt in fact, that in our final battle they needed to null blob us with Surely You're Joking But when that wasn't enough, they called for reinforcements from Arcana Imperii Ltd. Let history judge us as they will, but you must know what really happened here.

Initial enemy scouts
Kill: Kortana Ghasha (Anathema)
Kill: Kortana Ghasha (Capsule)

The results of a 4v14 battle CINR 4/SYJ 14
Kill: Vlad Ahashion (Retriever)
Kill: Vlad Ahashion (Capsule)
Kill: Nunya Bidness (Onyx)
Kill: Thia Hodges (Talos)
Kill: Nunya Bidness (Capsule)

War was then declared on us. Before it went live we claimed more victims.

Kill: Gas MacAllister (Sarum Magnate)
Kill: Ting Tonng (Buzzard)
Kill: Samara Nuur (Cheetah)

Later CINR SUCCESSFULLY evacuated under fire with enemy scouts watching, and Surly were noobing's cloak gangs and bubbles 20+ billion in corp and member assets.

The rest is in the history books (war report) for all to see.
This concludes the final official report, from this once great gang of friends and trolls.

TO all CINR members looking back at this memorial. When or where ever you may be!

Thank you guys for your awesome parting gift XD.
It was a HELL of a ride. Many delicious tears were consumed, lots of preparation H was used by the enemy. And I have one final thing to say.
No CINR fucks were ever given XD,
and im damn proud to of serverd n trolled with each and every one of you.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 18:16:53
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