

The Confed Crew
Name The Confed Crew
Ticker XTCCX
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Shang Pu
Members 1
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98059475

Members [1]


A Gaming Community started back in 2004. We have been through many games and tend to take things seriously when/if needed.

We are a core group of around 50-70 mil SP pilots who have seen pretty much all Eve Online has to offer. We are very laid back when it comes to normal gameplay, but we are very strict and direct with our goals in mind.

The idea behind this corp is to take newer and older players and provide a positive/fun environment for both to grow and improve. Every single player counts in this corp, and We plan to keep it that way.


1) Teamspeak 3 whenever you are online unless of course at work.

2) Must be Activated/Subscribed to the game. (No trial accounts)

3) Willing to work as a team with our players/blues

4) Player age MUST be 18+ or reasonable Mature for your age.

5) Willing to PvP when asked. This includes your industrial pilots.

If you are still interested in joining Contact: Gamermon1 or Predator989

Pub/Recruitment channel = xTCCx Recruitment

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-07 07:57:01
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