

The Digital Revolution
Name The Digital Revolution
Ticker C3PO
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Imminent Convergence
Members 2
Tax Rate 0.1%
corporationID 98117201

Members [2]


Reload before the revolution begins... The serpentine nations circle in their mad fury, entwined in an ever-closing circle of rage.

The time is upon us when wars gather in the dust and fire of space.
The ancient tomes of lore speak of heretics, wars, apocalypse and a fiery damnation for all who stand up to the coming era.

We are a gathering of those who are within and without the Amarrian faith who are gathered to rain fire down upon our enemies, and follow industrialist, missioning and pvp paths without joining the army directly.

Reload for the revolution! It is upon us!"

We are looking for experienced and new players who are into doing missions, mining, and incursions most of the time. Group missions will be made available regularly to members. If you wish to apply please do so, send a message to Thrallok K'tarr.

If you are interested in factional warfare please contact our sister corp League of Marginally Above Average Gentlepersons.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 20:07:21
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