

The Elerium Trust
Name The Elerium Trust
Ticker E-115
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Edlorna Tinebe
Members 10
Tax Rate 1%
corporationID 98245923

Members [10]


We have the power to build empires. We are free to help our fellow pilots. We have the luxury of being trustworthy. We have many opportunities to lie. We are free to murder and plunder. We have the power to destroy everything that we hold dear.

In New Eden, we capsuleers are given absolute freedom of choice. Some use this freedom more wisely than others. The Elerium Trust was founded on the understanding that New Eden will always be defined, not by the technologies given to us, but by how we choose to wield them.

The developers make it possible to gank in highsec. We decide whether to pull the trigger. The developers make it possible to scam someone for all they are worth. We decide whether to make each others' lives hell.

It is within our power to make New Eden... better. All we need to do is choose it.

Contact: Edlorna Tinebe

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-13 17:55:02
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