

The Etherium Pirate Syndicate
Name The Etherium Pirate Syndicate
Ticker FXLL
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo p'card
Members 3
Tax Rate 4%
corporationID 98605409

Members [3]


We are a C2 based corporation. We maintain a real life comes first policy, and as such have no required activities, nor do we have a "must be on voice comms" policy. We house a variety of players and playstyles ranging from industry, to PvE, to PvP.

Corp engagement policy: We do not condone the destruction of EVE-Scout ships.

We are not a killboard focused corp as we believe this promotes a toxic environment and is overall bad for the mental health of our players. Most PvP is done on alternate characters in PvP focused corporations.

We accept both alpha and omega characters and have a variety of fits and activities that allow both to maintain a good income outside of just ratting.

Diplomatic Contact: Victoria RavenSeer

Reccomended Allied/friendly Corps:

Upwell Research and Manufacturing
Blueshift Tactical

The Etherium Pirate Syndicate - C2 Corp Recruiting Alpha/Omega Players

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 02:51:29
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