

The Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency
Name The Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency
Ticker FVZA
Alliance -
Faction -
Members 2
Tax Rate 5.5%
corporationID 665297442

Members [2]


Clearing the missile at a time.

The Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency

The Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency (FVZA) has been serving the greater EVE community since 1868. We work hard to ensure a healthy lifestyle for all citizens, but as of recent times, it has been tough to live up to this ideal. Attempting to control the vampire and zombie outbreaks in space ships is extremely difficult. Therefore we have to resort to our last choice: kill or be killed.
We must kill in order to live. In other terms, we must kill all of those around us. We must. The FVZA agents are the only ones who are not infected, but for all else, the contagious pod fluid helps promote the zombie and vampire outbreak.
To make everyone's lives easier, we will only kill those in low security space.

Don't get infected. Be safe. Join a dynamic friendly team. Be honorary. Be respectful. Be disiplined. Be the FVZA.
* Miners
* Mission Runners
* Manufacturers/Inventors
* Traders
* Skilled PvPers

*** Note: it is recommnded you join the forum.

If you meet these requirments, the FVZA might be for you! Go to one of our following stations:

Barmalie VI - Moon 4 - Modern Finaces Vault

Recruiting Director: FVZA

Go to our website at for complete information on the FVZA.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 17:42:32
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