

The Freed Legion
Round Table Assembly
Name The Freed Legion
Ticker FREKM
Alliance Round Table Assembly
Faction -
Ceo Captain Hashat Septima
Members 7
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98687417

Members [7]


u'\u201cBrother, surely you realize that by all tenants of our faith, all definitions provided therein that the Kameiras ought to be free? They have accepted the Faith and been reclaimed, and are therefore well along the path to redemption, and in fact most are more zealous in their beliefs than True Amarr or Khanid are. So I implore you to please, for the love of God that we both share, assist me in providing them their legal freedom that ought to already be theirs.\u201d

The Freed Legion was originally composed of fromerly enslaved Kameiras, whose freedom was purchased for them by a Capsuleer at the urging of warclone Thaddeus Reynolds.

Most of their combat personnel have been made into Warclones, and their ranks have expanded to more freed Amarrian slaves who still retain their faith.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-21 20:51:44
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