

The Great and Mighty Drunk Fleet
Lolipop Monopoly
Name The Great and Mighty Drunk Fleet
Ticker DF-BF
Alliance Lolipop Monopoly
Faction -
Ceo Broken Drone
Members 11
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98381913

Members [11]


Rule 1: Drunk Fleet
Rule 2: Best Fleet
Rule C: Whatever
Rule ~:Comms probably necessary, because there's no point being in drunk fleet if you're not in comms, but to be fair we're not going to notice if we're not.
Rule37.5:Rhiofg goiuhoses soifsoid[ft eih
Rule sideways 8: drunk fleet gives exacttly 0 fucks at all times

Don't bring anything you're not afriad to lose

Drunk Fleet Best Fleet!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 13:59:14
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