

The Hedgemonic Crux
Name The Hedgemonic Crux
Ticker STAR3
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Thyblade
Members 8
Tax Rate 2%
corporationID 1296162506

Members [8]


Looking for profit where it can be found. Diversity is key for growth.
Current max members allowed in corp: 40
Tax Rate: 2.0%
Races allowed: ALL

CEO (Thyblade) Shares: 15,000

Mining Director (Thyblade) Shares: 10,000
Sub Director (Open) Shares: 3,000
Conduct mining operations for profits and Marerials for production division.

Security Director (Mute Online) Shares: 10,000
Sub Director (Open) Shares: 3,000
Responsible for the protection of all members during operations or other security issues. Within corpation or hired by other corporations.

Production Director (Gotchurback) Shares: 10,000
Sub Director (Open) Shares: 3,000
To Produce goods for sale or for members of the corporation.

Marketing Director (Open) Shares: 10,000
Sub Director (Open) Shares: 3,000
The sale of goods and services. Official member recruiter.

Special Operations Director (Justin L) Shares: 10,000
Sub Director (Open) Shares 3,000
To run missions or other necessary military operations. Within corpation or hired by other corporations.

Operation budget per Division 20,000,000 isk. 15% of anything over that goes back to master wallet and used for shares dividend monthly on or around the 20th

100 to 1000 shares to each corporate member depending on operations activities.

Sundays set as corp operations Less other scheduled operations.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-07 07:41:20
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