

The Infinity Pact
Name The Infinity Pact
Ticker INPAC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Nekronic
Members 6
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 997177975

Members [6]


The Infinity Pact is a unique group of intrepid explorers, miners, pirates, mercenaries, and other individuals who pride themselves on being independent thinkers. The corporation possesses goals of ultimate achievement, though it's leadership focuses on realistic agendas. Lead by a passionate and zealous captain with a tendency to dive into battle and other troubling situations, the foundaton of the Infinity Pact is built upon the call of adventure.

The corporation is currenty hiring in many different departments, and available positions can be found on our web site.

All personalities are welcome, and insanity is definitely a plus. That's right! If you're a little crazy and also interested in joining us, visit our headquarters in Alentene at the Duvolle Labs Factory and fill out an application.

The edge of the universe is the only limit to what we can accomplish, and our motivation is our strongest weapon. Well, along with some really, really big guns.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-03 21:01:10
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