

The Intaki Ladies Deep Space Astrogation Auxiliary
Name The Intaki Ladies Deep Space Astrogation Auxiliary
Ticker AUXII
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo M'Niani
Members 4
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 864809020

Members [4]


" ...and they searched for answers within the celestial rings"

We do not rest, encountering phenomena that are massive, beautiful, jagged and dangerous. Intergalactic debris among dense clusters of spiraling galaxies strewn where celestial rings form.

"...and they shall leave the shadows of their homeworld and venture forth... and be little."

Searching for treasures and answers...

...and finding them; in abundance. With more questions they wander; and inch closer to unraveling their own creation...

M'Niani - CEO, Chief of Radial Geodesics, Imaging.
Lady Spank ~ Amarrian Ambassador, Public Relations Officer
Rone Corbusier - Flotilla Commander, Chief of Security. Analyst
Eugenie Lefevre - Connumications Officer, Radiological Analyst
Mathilde D'Arc - Astrometrics Engineer, Multispectral Vanguard

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-18 05:03:52
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