

The Iskariot Organization
Name The Iskariot Organization
Ticker ZEPLI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Zurutul Narazim
Members 10
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98697327

Members [10]


u'\u30a4\u30b9\u30ab\u30ea\u30aa\u30c6\u6a5f\u95a2, also known as \u30f4\u30a1\u30c1\u30ab\u30f3\u7b2c13\u8ab2, is a top-secret operation and officially it doesn\'t exist. They are a primary foil to the evil vampires, demons, and fallen angels of our world. (Iscariot is a top-secret wing of the Vatican, charged with the removal of all things vile and unholy.)

\u201cI want nothing more than to be an instrument wielded by the hand of God. I would have been happy to be born a divine hurricane."'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 07:22:51
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