

The Jew Era
Name The Jew Era
Ticker T.J.E
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Elvynia
Members 1
Tax Rate 8%
corporationID 98082706

Members [1]


Attention: Subjugated Denizens Under The Yoke of The Capitalist Oppressor Wusti!
From: Elvynia
Sent: 2012.11.17 11:16

To The Denizens of The Previously Glorious Free Democratic Republic of the Australian Imperial Force, SEE-ZERO-EN-VICTED (May Her Glory Never Fade),

The Grand High Commissar has decreed that those in the service of the Immeasurably Important ISK Printers known as "THE JEW ERA" (Herein after referred to as TJE (May Their Sacifice Never Be Forgotten)) have been failing in their duty to properly provide to the Rodina! Furthermore, they have been harbouring known Criminals, Terrorists, Awoxers And Role Players!

This treasonous action against The State, who serves all well, fairly and equally in accordance with the Principals of Our Glorious Leader Seymore Stalin (may he live forever) has been noted and will no longer go unpunished! It has been decreed that the State will now Appropriate ALL resources that fall under the purview of TJE (May Their Sacifice Never Be Forgotten) so that Role-Players (a crime punishable my torture worse than death) will no longer have a safe place to rest! Those that call themselves RK in a meek attempt to draw association with actual Elite PVPers Rooks and Kings are now evicted from the Motherland and will be brained with an Icepick on sight!

Let this serve as a warning to any and all who would cross the Motherland and attempt to sully the great name of TJE (May Their Sacifice Never Be Forgotten).

Za Rodinu! Za Stalina!

~love entypoos
Jewmaster General
TJE Grand High Jewmaster
The Interkosmos Proletariat

Recruitment is open!
Apply today!
We are a friendly highsec corp specialising in highsec level 4 mission running and mining with Orca bonuses.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-07 08:01:12
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