

The Kobyashi Maru Genesis Planet Development Group
Name The Kobyashi Maru Genesis Planet Development Group
Ticker KMGPD
Alliance -
Faction Caldari State
Ceo Sa'avik
Members 1
Tax Rate 100%
corporationID 98134865

Members [1]


All Star Trek terminology are copyright of Paramount Pictures.

The Genesis Planet was a planet located in the Mutara sector that was created from gaseous matter in the Mutara Nebula and the hull of the USS Reliant following the detonation of the Genesis Device. The detonation occurred at the conclusion of a fierce battle between Khan Noonien Singh and Admiral James T. Kirk in 2285.

The Genesis Planet immediately became a galactic controversy, and Starfleet declared it off limits until the Federation Council could decide what to do.

A minor skirmish occurred in orbit during the final degradation of the planet in which both the USS Grissom and the USS Enterprise were destroyed and a Klingon Bird-of-Prey was co-opted by Admiral Kirk and his remaining crew.

Unstable protomatter, used in the matrix's construction by David Marcus in his haste to complete the Genesis Project, caused the ecosystems it had created to become dangerously erratic. This instability manifested itself first in an accelerated rate of growth, then in micro-climatic upheavals. Instead of flourishing, the planet began to experience heavy geologic activity that resulted in the entire surface becoming molten.

There was a report, later, on the Genesis project which speculates that the Genesis planet collapsed because it was formed from a nebula rather than the protomatter being the automatic cause of the failure, suggesting that Genesis would have worked if it had been fired at a planet as it was originally intended.

Now , we're here to clean up the mess . . . .

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Last Update: 2025-03-18 06:19:57
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