Name |
The Lost Marauders |
Ticker |
T.L.M |
Alliance |
- |
Faction |
- |
Ceo |
Reiko Shina |
Members |
11 |
- |
Tax Rate |
5% |
corporationID |
98125579 |
Members [11]
If your dealings with us have been unsatisfactory in the past, please fill out the following form... afterall we do seek to fuck you over nice and proper..
My name is [insert victim name], and I was:
[] Pod Killed
[] Ship Killed
[] Ransomed
[] Can Flipped
[] All of the Above
by [insert name here] on [insert date] in the system [Insert system name].
I am writing to inform you, that yourself, and the rest of your corp are
[] Bastards
[] Fuckers
[] Evil Shitheads
[] Tossers
[] Assholes
[] Griefers
[] Pirate Scum
[] Cunts
[] Homosexuals
[] Lieing Scammers
[] Motherfuckers
[] Dickbags
[] Losers
[] Bitches
and you
[] Ruin the game for
[] Enrage
[] Bankrupt
[] Give too much grief to
[] Destroy the point in playing for
[] Other (Please State) _____________________________
people like me. Therefore, you pack of [insert abusive plural name], I have took it upon myself to enlist the help of my
[] Whole Corporation
[] Whole Alliance
[] Favourite Merc Corp
[] Mate who's been playing for 2 years and is uber
[] Main
who's a member of
[] T.R.I.A.D.
[] CVA
[] U'K
[] Avalon
[] Against All Authorities
[] Electus Matari
[] some other alliance no one gives a toss about
to come and
[] Kill you all
[] Kill you all and your families
[] Stab you all repeatedly with a carving knife
[] Bludgeon you with a dildo
[] Kill your mothers
[] Have sex with your family dog
[] Other (Please State) _____________________________
as revenge for you destroying my
[] Ship.
[] Wallet balance.
[] Pod.
[] Implants.
[] Ego.
[] All of the above.
I sincerely hope you all
[] Contract sexually transimtted diseases,
[] Rot in hell,
[] Get podded back to the stone age,
[] Escrow me my stuff back,
[] Go Fuck yourselves,
[] Get off on killing people,
[] All of the above,
Because the loss of my stuff in our encounter was very traumatizing.
As a closing message to my statement I would like to say
[] Fuck off and die.
[] You're all a pack of cunts.
[] Oh boy, was i suckered!.
[] I like pickles
[] You suck.
[] Revenge will be mine.
[] My corp is coming for you.
[] My alliance is coming for you.
[] Expect a war declaration soon.
[] All of the above.
[] Sincerely
[] Respectfully
[] Hatefully
[] Truly
[] Rather Confusedly
[] Revengefully
[] With hugs and kisses
[insert victim name]
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 01:43:00