

The Netharian Empire
Name The Netharian Empire
Ticker NE-TH
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Ruperte
Members 9
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1663678659

Members [9]


The Netharian Empire is a corporation looking for recruits, We are Mainly a pvp/industry corp based on military structure. All people welcome. No Sp Required. Must have a will to pilot in low to 0.0 sec.

Recruiting is open.

Major pvp Dates: Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays

Major industry/missioning nights: Wednesday's

We hail a strong military structure, providing good morale and succession rates for our fleets. We destroy our enemies within a moments notice, The Netharian Empire cannot risk betrayal or lives. Oohrah. Trust me, it's worth it to enlist in our ranks.

Industrial pilots are very much needed.

Do not ask for ISK or Gear/ships off the bat please, that means if you join, don't ask for stuff if your new to the corp, we're not a charity.

Rules: 1: Respect all higher ranks than you.
2: Do not consistantly ask for gear or money (already stated)
3: Do not shoot friendlies that arnt sparing with you.
4: Ventrillo is mandatory for fleet ops, Mic or not.

Contact Frostbane Fallen for more information. Contact Vae Hykova for diplomacy.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 02:17:03
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