We are a hisec/lowsec based corp that focuses on industry and small scale pvp.
Recruitment is usually open but selective. When we are hiring we are looking for
mature pilots who have a genuine interest the game and have a carreer or are
looking for a way to help corp mates prosper.
We do have a small ship replacement policy that is gear more for helping the
newer pilots in New Eden. We do prefer Omega Pilots but Alphas can be accepted
if you show a real interest in staying with this.
We are a tight group of pilots, most of us have been flying together since day one.
We are always willing to help with the best of our abilities with the newbros.
If you would like more information about what we do and to inquire about joining
our ranks, please contact:
Akima Kai or
Martin Allenbach, our recruitment directors.
Feel free to join
Paragon Group Recruitment and ask anyone in there for info.
Fly smart o7
DarkKard Director:
Jhaheira Khagah Director:
RoboPirate Madeveda