

The Periodic project
Name The Periodic project
Ticker PERPR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Willow Tears
Members 2
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98537918

Members [2]


Recreating the periodic table one structure at the time.

Services :

We rent fully managed structures to any interested miners in Tash-Murkon region.
We provide POCOs at 0% tax for engaged corporation with our service.
We SRP procurer lost by gankers (Ship Remplacement Program).
We buyback all ores mined on our structures at Jita price 95th.

Cost :

If your corp/alliance mine 80% of the belt's volume, the cost is 12.5% of the estimated value.
If your corp/alliance mine 70% of the belt's volume, the cost is 15.0% of the estimated value.
If your corp/alliance mine 60% of the belt's volume, the cost is 17.5% of the estimated value.
If your corp/alliance mine 50% of the belt'S volume, the cost is 20.0% of the estimated value.
If your corp/alliance mine 40% of the belt's volume, the cost is 22.5% of the estimated value.
If your corp/alliance miner less than 30% of the belt's volume, the cost is 25.0% of the estimated value.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-07 09:01:49
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