

The Reed Alpha Corporation
Name The Reed Alpha Corporation
Ticker TRECK
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Queen Ambraelle
Members 7
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98281296

Members [7]


Dear Prospecting Members,

Here at The Reed Alpha Corporation, We are All about Mining/Industry
We Mine, We Process, We Manufacture and We Sell. Plain and Simple.
making everybody Rich in the Process.

Now i shall Provide you with a few Details about the Corp and its Programs

We have Mining Operations Every Week at 00:00 Eve Time,
with a payout for Every Person Involved in them.
For the Ops we Provide Orca and Cerberus Support for Mining and Security Concerns Respectively.

We have MultiCorp Mining Agreements with other Corps that will Help you Mine, outside Mining Operations held by the Corporation
What you Mine Outside Designated Operations is yours for the taking :).

Here are a Few Bulletins that Give you an Idea on What we do, (These are Notices Posted on the Corp Bulletin)

The Mineral Buyback Program

The Mining program will be now purchasing Minerals mined by anyone, at any time outside of designated operations.
Mineral is purchased for Amarr Prices - 15%.
(Hauling + SCC which basically evens it out)
All minerals must be minerals, no ore.
After refining you can sell to us at the Mining Office, by purchasing a Station container (hard to move, so i suggest you buy it at the same location) and putting your Minerals in it with your name on the Container, you will be paid in full within 24 hours and Your Container will be returned to your Item Hangar Automatically.
Sending a Mail to Lia'Vael Liselle and Kanav Kohli would help us know that u have something for sale a bit faster as well.
Unnamed Containers will be Considered as Corp Donations :)

The Ship Replacement Program
The Reed Alpha Corporation will now be replacing any Tier I Venture's lost to Gankers as a means to Promote New miners in our corp.
Remember Claims can only be made to his or her venture if a person is Actively Participating in Mining Operations led by Minning Meg and are also limited to 1 claim every 2 days.
Sage F Hopkins \ Kanav Kohli \ Minning Meg reserve the right to refuse claims on the Grounds of Intentional Acquisition.

The Refine and Return Program
The Reed Alpha Corporation Will now be helping its Members Refine Ores into Minerals with a 9% Tax, all you need to do is drop a Station Container into the Refine and Return Hangar of the Mining Office with your name on it (right click >> set name) and you will Recieve your minerals within 24hours(Max) with the Container returned automatically to your Item hangar.

Ore Buyback Program
The mining program will be now purchasing Ores mined by anyone, at any time outside of designated operations.
Ore is purchased for Amarr Prices - 15%.
(Hauling + SCC which basically evens it out)
All Ore must be Ore, No Minerals
After Mining you can sell to us at the Mining Office, by purchasing a Station container (hard to move, so i suggest you buy it at the same location) and putting your Ores in it with your name on the Container, you will be paid in full within 24 hours and Your Container will be returned to your Item Hangar Automatically.
Sending a Mail to Minning Meg and Kanav Kohli would help us know that u have something for sale a bit faster as well.
Unnamed Containers will be Considered as Corp Donations :)

For any Further Assistance Required,
Contact Queen Ambraelle
The Reed Alpha Corporation

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 20:55:08
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