

The Rookie Initiative
Name The Rookie Initiative
Ticker R-INI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Victor Fenris
Members 4
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98200171

Members [4]


u'The Rookie Initiative

The Rookie Initiative is a group of experienced players united to give back to the game they love by helping rookie pilots (also known as noobs). Eve is an unforgiving environment and it is a great advantage to be able to have a platform that allows accelerated learning experiences. We offer positive coaching in:

- PVP (Player versus player)
- PVE (Player versus Environment)
- Trading
- Engineering
- Mining
- Game mechanics

\u2026And many other aspects of EVE.

The Rookie Initiative is a structured corporation that offers organised training, roams into low sec, corporation war declaration, mining ops, Eve test server training ops and good humour. We also have Orca, freighter and carrier support for different ops. Free skill books are offered as well as free/cost price ships.

Trial accounts are welcome! You can come and go as you like or stay with us to pass the wisdom to the next generation of rookies. There is leadership position available. Tax rate are at 5% and is strictly for corporation expenses (Offices, member\u2019s ship, skill books, etc\u2026).

If you are interested to be part of The Rookie Initiative experience, contact Nubadger or Victor Fenris or join us on the channel The Rookie Initiative Pub. '

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 16:12:09
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