

The Root
Send Dudes
Name The Root
Ticker TROOT
Alliance Send Dudes
Faction -
Ceo Bag'thera Khan
Members 6
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98311546

Members [6]


About us
The Root Corporation is now open to applications and looking for new industrial capsuleers to join and help grow the first main branch of industry.
New players are welcomed and escorted to our beautiful home in Osvestmunnur, in the Metropolis region.

We are an English speaking corporation with mostly Western EU TZ backgrounds - most of which are from the Netherlands. Our goal is to bring value to Osvestmunnur and to build great relationships with other corporations to collectively branch out and achieve greatness. Fun is at the center of everything we do.

Apply to join
Should you be interested then we will like to receive your application followed by a short chat with our recruitment officers. Feel free to come and say hello to us in our public channel: The Root Lounge

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 00:12:41
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