

The Satens Slaves
Name The Satens Slaves
Ticker SSSOS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Cr0wb4r
Members 11
Tax Rate 9.5%
corporationID 521045217

Members [11]


Hello from the Saten's Slaves

This Corperation has been founded on the beliefs of social playing together any players that want to join this corp and more then free to do so how ever PVP is not manditory...

Helping one another to achieve goals as one united strengh through mining and exploration together all professions under one roof...

Code of Conduct: Not taking this which do not belong to us, Attacking players that cant defend them selfs and not treating every player with the respect you would want to get and never doing any thing which could/would refect on the corp.

Special Thanks..... I would personally like to thank 'The Crows And The Wind' for introducing me to the game and teaching me the foundations of it.
And ive been asked this many times... What is a saten? the answer is simple where i come from there is a bikers orginisation called the 'Satans Slaves' a bunch of meathead guys that well go by there own reps.... Saten by term means 'Soft Devil' thus as a PVE based corp it suits the term as dedicated as the real Satens Slaves but without leaving such a mess and my hope alot more orginised.

So if you want to come and join the fun we look forward to having you as one of Saten's Slaves!


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 19:30:07
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