

The Sovereign Brotherhood
Name The Sovereign Brotherhood
Ticker T5B
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Aleth Fauxe
Members 13
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98013759

Members [13]


u"The Sovereign Brotherhood bases itself on our production base. We are a corp thats here to work together to make a are to which we can profit greatly, however we also are building our skills to be defenders.

We are currently recruiting in the following areas.

\u2234 PvP Pilots
\u2234 PvE Pilots
\u2234 Miners
\u2234 Planetary Interaction Specialists
\u2234 Industrial Pilots
\u2234 AND MORE!

\u2021\u2021\u2021\u2021\u2021 OUR GOALS \u2021\u2021\u2021\u2021\u2021

(Not Necessarily in Order)

\u2234 Obtain a POS
\u2234 Obtain T1 BPO's
\u2234 Obtain T2 BPO's
\u2234 Recruitment of miners for WH mining Ops
\u2234 Recruitment of PvP Pilots for defence in mining Ops\u2234\u2234\u2234Become a standing corp within the game and become known\u2234\u2234\u2234"

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-26 20:59:12
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