

The Storm Wall
Name The Storm Wall
Ticker TSW11
Alliance MlNER NEEDs
Faction -
Ceo Lyra Varlaar
Members 5
URL http:// T B D
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98791367

Members [5]


*Walks into local seedy bar*

Gather round, my new friends, I have a question for you...

Are you ready to be free?
Are you ready to be the Capsuleer you were meant to be?
Aren't you tired of being a pawn to Concord, forced to follow their "rules"?

Come, friends, and join me. The clouds may just be gathering, but with many, we can be a Storm Wall!

Why must we live, seperated by their Sec Systems?
Why can they control these systems, and force their undesirables out?
Are we "criminals", or just, misunderstood entrepenuers?

Join ME
Join The Storm Wall
The Nihil

Open to all Citizens of New Eden. We Need all sorts of Capsuleers in our New Empire.
Miners, WH, Privateers for security, we all started somewhere.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 00:45:42
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